What is Narrative Theory?

What is Narrative Theory?

The narrative is how the story is constructed.

Ricoeur suugests that narratives offer a "vast laboratory for thought and experiment."


Tzvetan Todorov's Equilibrium Theory is a way of defining the narrative structure. 
This is the idea that the narrative is built on three strands. The equilibrium, the disequilibrium (disruption) and the new equilibrium. 

Syd Field Three Act Plot Structure

Act One - Set up (first 10 minutes you get a sense of the film, locations, characters, build rapport and get a feel for the film style.

Act Two - Confrontation (This is the bulk of the film. It's situations where they confront their enemy/ enemies.) 

Act Three - Resolution (The protagonist takes control to achieve, 'victory').

Examples of Narrative Conventions in Print

- Headline
- Coverlines
- Tag Line - Advertising
- Jumpline - Show's rest of the story (i.e. turn to page 13 to read more).
- Images/ Captions
- Language - Puns perhaps?

Barthes Narrative Codes

A media text can be: 'open' - which is when lots of or all of the narrative codes are used making the story complicated. 

'Closed' - which is when a single narrative code is used, therefore  the story is simple. 

Action - Contains sequential element of action in the text to add suspense.
Enigma - Refers to the mystery in the text.
Semantic - Suggest and refer to additional meanings
Symbolic - Symbolism within the text often uses opposites to show contrast.
Referential - Make the audience understand or expect stories.


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